Thursday, October 22, 2009

Traits of a Good Person

I have already studied about the traits of a good person. They have the following characters: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
In my opinion, love is important because people understand and stay closed to each other by it. For example, in my family, I treat all member with respect, trust, concerning about their health, and help them. I always keep a warn and happy relationship. In the community, showing love is necessary. For instance, the people who are poor that do not have any opportunity to take care of themselves; the people who were in the natural disaster that destroyed their property and affected their lives. In addition, self-control is an important trait, too. Furthermore, when some unpleasant things happen in the family, the husband and wife would get furious. Without self-control, people would do domestic violent. Therefore, people should be calm and control their emotions. Finally, in any situation, people should have good characteristic and love each others.

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