Thursday, October 22, 2009

Traits of a Good Person

I have already studied about the traits of a good person. They have the following characters: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
In my opinion, love is important because people understand and stay closed to each other by it. For example, in my family, I treat all member with respect, trust, concerning about their health, and help them. I always keep a warn and happy relationship. In the community, showing love is necessary. For instance, the people who are poor that do not have any opportunity to take care of themselves; the people who were in the natural disaster that destroyed their property and affected their lives. In addition, self-control is an important trait, too. Furthermore, when some unpleasant things happen in the family, the husband and wife would get furious. Without self-control, people would do domestic violent. Therefore, people should be calm and control their emotions. Finally, in any situation, people should have good characteristic and love each others.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

A Serious Injury

Last weekend, I visited my friend, Mr John, who was in the hospital several days ago because he got a serious injure in a car accident. When I went into his room, he was sitting in the wheel chair. His leg was bandaged and put a splint on it. He also got a deep cut on his left aim. the doctor stitched it up and put a cast on his arm. He said if he goes to the restroom, he needs a crutches to support him. Now he feels better, less painful, less swollen, but he should stay in the hospital for a long time. Because the broken bone is not easy to recover.
Best wishes to Mr. John to have a complete recovery as soon as possible. I hope I will never have an accident like that happen on me.