Saturday, September 19, 2009

The American Dream

I have known a person who's name is Mr Ra. He has lived the American dream. He told me about his story when he lived in Cambodia during the Khmer Rough regime from 1975 to 1979.
At that time, Mr Ra's family could not live in the city. They had to moved far away and live in a small town. He worked very hard from the morning to the evening. He just had a bit of little food and nothing else. If he wanted to buy something, it was difficult because nobody had any money. People there have no freedom and human rights. If people communicated about that, they would be kidnapped during the night and would never comeback.. They lived under the control of wild powers without safe feeling and always scared of being killed.
Fortunately, in 1979, Khmer Rough regime failed. Mr Ra's family walked through the forest, passed the border of Cambodia and went to the refugee camp in Thailand.
In the refugee camp, his family got assistance from H.C.R.. Two years later, they immigrated to the United States.
When his family immigrated to The United States, he had problem with English. Therefore, he went to ESL class after working. His daughter graduated from UCLA, and now she is working in a bank. His wife worked at home. He has bought a house and a happy family.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

My Long Weekend

My long weekend was relaxing. I had fun with my family. Saturday I went to the supermarket to buy food for the following week. Sunday I went to Orange County ("OC") and visited my sister. Labor Day I toured Hollywood and ate out at a Thai restaurant on Hollywood Boulevard. I'm glad it was Labor Day, because it gave me a day off from school. Actually, I don't have a job right now. I lost my job last year. So I came back to school. But working is very important for me. So I hope my schooling will help me get another job, and a better one at that.